A+ Question and Answers

1. Is there any cost for participating in the A+ Program? No

2. Does my child have to use the A+ if he or she signs the A+ Agreement?

No. A+ is an option. If other forms of financial aid are available and the student doesn't wish to use A+ to attend college, he or she is under no obligation to do so.

3. Where do the A+ requirements come from?

With the exception of "local deadlines" all A+ requirements are established by the state and found in the Missouri statutes.

4. Is there any limit to the number of children in each family who may participate? No.

5. Where does the money come from to pay for this program?

The general revenues of the state of Missouri.

6. Is there any danger that the program will be eliminated?

As a state program, funding the program is contingent on the economic condition of the state and on the will of those in authority over the program's funding. There are no guarantees. We expect the program to stay fully in tact, but there is no way to guarantee this.

7. What about the tutoring requirements?

Tutoring must be supervised by certificated personnel. Tutoring opportunities include Valley Kids at one of our elementary schools from 4-6:00, our school district's summer school program, and the A+ Tutoring elective course option for upperclassmen. Tutors must provide their own transportation. All tutoring arrangements must be made through the A+ coordinator prior to completing any tutoring.

8. What are the GPA requirements?

Students must graduate with a minimum cumulative 2.500 GPA. All grades starting in 9th grade contribute toward the final GPA. GPA cannot be rounded; so a 2.499 GPA is not 2.500 for A+ purposes. Students cannot be removed from the program because the GPA falls below the 2.500 requirement; but, for every "bad" grade semester, it takes 3 semesters to recover.

9. How many students may be certified A+ graduates for each class?

There is not a limit.

10. Will the state allow me to use A+ money for a 4 year university?

No, but several of the 4 year colleges in Missouri offer institutional scholarships to students who are certified as A+ graduates.

11. Where is the A+ office located?

The A+ office is located at the north end of the building in the short east-west hallway, with the A+ banner above the door.

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